Sunday 28 July 2013

Funny Images Collection

Canvas can be anything for a talented artist. He/she creates lots of wonderful sculptures and paintings from the abandoned products. Leftovers of pencil can be turned in to beautiful images. We are not courageous enough to think all these matters. But the artists do it.

Artists can make attractive images from non attractive things. When he touch it with his magical fingers these things become very beautiful. Hand painting artists takes long hours to do paintings on hands. It is really painful. But he cannot preserve these works for long. The models must also devote himself for the completion if this work.Those who love Funny Images should must visit the site

Monday 22 July 2013

Flower Pictures

Droplets have immense power. And it is really beautiful too. The artists create some Flower Pictures with water droplets. Different types of arts can be created with water droplets. is providing an opportunity to see most wonderful arts in the world. Inspiration and imagination are the secret behind the making of these types of arts. The artists think in a different way. So, they can something different and come with strange yet, beautiful art works.

Beautiful Pictures

The amazing sculptures on sands are really encouraging. However, when we know that these sculptures will perish soon, we feel sad. The artists take lots of time and effort to create these types of beautiful sculptures.

Though these works inspire people only for a few hours or days, these are really fantastic. The artists are doing wonders by creating these types of Beautiful Pictures. Only highly talented people can do this. These artists are really blessed with real talents.

Monday 15 July 2013

Beautiful Photos

Through sky art, Thomas Lamadieu is using sky spaces in between rooftops and buildings to form canvas for this art. After finding his ideal location, he takes its photograph. Then he fills the empty spaces with drawings. He is using old software for executing his masterpiece.

Thomas Lamedieu is known as roofs art. We are unable to think about the canvas of his art. But he is thinking strangely and use roof tops as his canvas. He takes Beautiful Photos of the sky and then frames them as rooftops. He wants to make different paintings and drawings. So, he is using strange canvas to do his art.

Sunday 7 July 2013


Sand is the main medium in sand art. These types of arts are simply amazing. You must be highly skilled to make these types of sculptures. You cannot define art as pretty pictures. Painting the pictures of animals on human hands is really amazing.

Artist are saying some message through their work. Sometimes, they mock the current social system. Sometimes they express a transformation in the society through their work. Whatever may be the message, artists speak to the rest through their work. They need to say a lot of things. You can easily make it out if you listen to it for a few moments.

Monday 1 July 2013

Animal Photos

The blog helped me to understand a lot about the artists. There were very less explanation about the art and artist. But these blog writings helped me to understand more about the artist. It is really helpful. provides us an opportunity to understand the strange and unique imaginations of famous artists. They use even the simplest material to produce world class art. The site shows that a person can do wonders by using water droplets or Animal Photos.